Airplane Watching and Recognition

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- Antonov An-124 -

Antonov An-124 modif.

Antonov An-124 Of course theAntonov An-124 isn"t as fat as this modified title picture suggests...
Antonov An-124
But it is still the second largest plane in the world just behind another Antonov Design Bureau plane, the 6 jet engines Mriya (dream) AN-225.
These An-124 pictures were taken near the Air Canada hangar but it is Bombardier that charters the plane. Bombardier builds its fuselages in one plant but assebles the planes in another. It takes large jumbo jets to carry these parts from location to another, like Airbus and its "Beluga" planes.
Antonov An-124 & Fokker 100 American Airlines
Antonov An-124
At this time (early 2001), the An-124 is a regular sight in Montreal skies. It delivers fuselages from Short industries in Ireland to Montreal Dorval at least once a week, sometimes twice a week.

One An-124 can carry fuselage sections for two Challengers and one Regional Jet and various parts as well in the same flight. A note of interest : the An-124 is an uncommon plane with unusual dimensions, it has to carry its tow bar as well as its cargo load since the ground equipment of airports are not equipped to tow such a plane on the ground..

The week-end these pictures were taken (a Sunday), I saw another An-124 the day before, but it was going to Mirabel, were Bombardier as another assembly plant. Assembly rate was stepped up for Regional jets. (They also assemble Challengers and Global Express).

In the Macrh 2001 issue of Airways magazine a complete article is dedicated to the "Bombardier Regional Aircraft Phenomenon". It is said that at the roll-out of the first RJ, the estimated need for this type of aircraft would be 400 to 500. The 400th was delivered in May 2000, the 500th will be in 2001. In March 2001, there were 460 RJ delivered, 491 backloged and 842 on option. For a potential grand total of 1793...

Antonov An-124

This plane remind you of the amrican giant C-5 Galaxy? Let's go see...

Texte / Text : Jean-Pierre Bonin © 1999-2000-2001

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You remember a few characteristics of the plane but can't remember the name?
Try this visual guide. I hope it will help you.

Click on the drawings to go to the visual identification guide.

B 737

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About the author

Web site conception and production , text, pictures and illustrations : Jean-Pierre Bonin     © 1999-2000-2001

Send suggestions and comments to :
Web site created on August 8th 1999
Page created February 25th 2001, last modified March 4th 2001

If you use my pictures or illustrations, please send me your web page address by e-mail.
If you use these images for a school research, then don't forget to mention the source of your document (and I wish you a good grade!)

 Autres sites du même auteur /
Other web sites created by the author

Pédagogie / Pedagogy [in French only]

Techniques d'électrophysiologie médicale /
Medical Electrophysiology Techniques
[in French only]
