
Air Shows Pictures

Snowbirds (part 5)

Snowbirds Mont-Laurier May 20th 2001

Snowbirds Mont-Laurier May 20th 2001 Snowbirds Mont-Laurier May 18th 2001
Snowbirds Mont-Laurier May 18th 2001
On these three pictures we can see different elements used during the shows : the reservoirs ans the diesel diffusion system and the air brakes lateraly deployed. These are used for instance during the one-on-ones. (A similar system is used on some commercial planes like the Fokker F.28 and F.100)
Snowbirds Mont-Laurier May 20th 2001 Snowbirds Mont-Laurier May 20th 2001
Snowbirds Mont-Laurier May 20th 2001
These pictures were for the most part taken during the show preparation.

One very rare occasion to come close with this team.

Snowbirds Mont-Laurier May 20th 2001 Snowbirds Mont-Laurier May 20th 2001
I had another occsion to see the Snowbirds in Québe City on June 9th 2001. An occasion to see their show on a large airport like at Mirabel a few years ago. (Better have good legs).
Snowbirds Quebec June 9th 2001 The Snowbirds were grounded after an accident that occured on June 21st just before the London Airshow and Balloon Festival.

You can read the story as lived by Mike Reyno a photographer on board one of the two planes.

Snowbirds Mirabel may 199? Snowbirds Mirabel may 199?
The Snowbirds are flying again but their aging Tutors will have to be replaced.

Let's hope the team will get another type of aircraft et be able to keep on bringing us spectacular demonstration to please both young and old!

Enlarged versions
image 9 1024X768 pixels ~189 Kb; image 10 1024X745 pixels ~252 Kb; image 11 1024X752 pixels ~249 Kb
For more information on the Snowbirds, visit their web site: http://www.snowbirds.dnd.ca/index_e.asp

or http://www.rcaf.com/snowbirds/

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About the author

Web site conception and production , text, pictures and illustrations : Jean-Pierre Bonin     © 1999-2003
Some pictures on this page by Hélène Lavigne  © 2001-2003
Send suggestions and comments to : djipibi@hotmail.com
Web site created on August 8th 1999
Page created on January 2nd 2002, last update May 6th 2004

If you use my pictures or illustrations, please send me your web page address by e-mail.
If you use these images for a school research, then don't forget to mention the source of your document (and I wish you a good grade!)

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Other web sites created by the author

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Techniques d'électrophysiologie médicale /
Medical Electrophysiology Techniques [in French only]
