Le Pelican de Luc Couillard et Christian Godin

Building a Pelican (March 17th 2001, part 1)

March 17th 2001

Week 37 of our follow-up of the building of a Pelican Sport from Ultravia Aero International Inc.

Left instrument panel Right instrument panel
The instrument panels are finished and the intruments mounting is progressing steadely.
Manifold pressure gauge The manifold collector pressure gauge
Range 10-50 Mercury inches (In Hg)
Dual oil pressure-oil temperature gauge Dual oil pressure-Oil temperature gauge.
Temperature range 100-260oF
Pressure range 0-80 pounds per square inch (PSI)
Dual carb-air temperature gauge
Dual carburator and air temperature gauge.
Temperature range -40oC à + 40oC
The control lever for the "servo & trim tab" (on the trailing edge of the left elevator) is in place.
Rudder corntrol pedals are fully installed.
Some information taken from the Wicks Aircraft Supply 2000 catalog

The building of a Pelican Sport continues
(click here for another March 17th page)

Luc and Christian invite you to communicate with them
to exchange tips and to
receive your comments and suggestions.


Construction d'un Pélican (17 mars 2001) (cliquer ici pour la version française)

À propos de l'auteur/ About the author

Web site conception and production , text, pictures and illustrations : Jean-Pierre Bonin     © 1999-2000-2001
On this page, some pictures by Luc Couillard & Christian Godin     © 2000-2001
This page is made possible with permission of Luc Couillard & Christian Godin     © 2000-2001
Send suggestions and comments to : djipibi@hotmail.com
Web site created on August 8th 1999
Page created March 30th 2001, last modified April 6th 2001

If you use my pictures or illustrations, please send me your web page address by e-mail.
If you use these images for a school research, then don't forget to mention the source of your document (and I wish you a good grade!)

 Other web sites created by the author

Medical Electrophysiology Techniques [in French only]
