Le Pelican de Luc Couillard et Christian Godin

Building a Pelican (October 28th 2001, part 3)

October 28th 2001

Follow-up of the building of a Pelican Sport from Ultravia Aero International Inc.

Mirabel YMX Heading West. Next destination : flyover the Mirabel Airport. We are almost parallel to runway 24-06.

Permission is granted for us to come down to 1500 feet to see the installations.

Some pictures are double clickable to obtain a downloadable enlarged version (~250 Mo)

Control tower can be seen ahead.

It's an air Transat L-1011 jamboree. Seven can be seen on the tarmac and an eight one is going on the taxiway to runway 29-11. There is also a Canada 3000 Airbus A320, a 727 cargo (AllCanada Express), one of the 5 ICC Air Cargo Canada Airbus A300B4-203 and a Canada 3000 Boeing 737-200 with mixed colors Royal/Canada 3000 also going towards runway 29.

Mirabel YMX
Mirabel YMX
Mirabel YMX Taken onboard the Pelican Sport owned by Luc Couillard and Christian Godin and with Christian Godin at the command on this day, the Air Transat L-1011 picture at Mirabel has a little more than 3 1/2 years later become the second most seen on Airliners.net, amongst those taken at YMX (Now 6th in 2007).

It was also published in the January 2005 AirlinerWorld magazine on pages 3 and 45.

Thanks Christian and Luc!

At this point the control tower asks us to turn North-West. We thus make a sharp turn right over the tarmac, putting us parallel to runway 29-11. The Pelican side door windows offer a really good downward view. One or two more shutter clicks...
Mirabel YMX
Mirabel YMX
I take a look over my shoulder through the rear side window behind the pilot. The L-1011 is taking off on runway 29-11. If it wasn't already done I would have said "someone please wake me up!"

Once a 737 also took off, we turn West for Lachute where we will be on the look-out for glider activity from the air cadets..

The building of a Pelican Sport continues
(click here for another October 28th page)

Construction d'un Pélican (28 octobre 2001, suite 2) (cliquer ici pour la version française)

À propos de l'auteur/ About the author

Web site conception and production , text, pictures and illustrations : Jean-Pierre Bonin     © 1999-2007
On this page, some pictures by Luc Couillard & Christian Godin     © 2000-2007
This page is made possible with permission of Luc Couillard & Christian Godin     © 2000-2007
Send suggestions and comments to : djipibi@hotmail.com
Web site created on August 8th 1999
Page created October 31st 2001

Last update January 6th 2007

If you use my pictures or illustrations, please send me your web page address by e-mail.
If you use these images for a school research, then don't forget to mention the source of your document (and I wish you a good grade!)

Other pictures from the author on the web
Aviation pics on www.jetphotos.net
Aviation pics on www.airliners.net
Aviation and miscellaneous pics on www.flickr.com

 Other web sites form the same author
(in French)
