Airplane Watching and Recognition

- Bombardier (Canadair) CL-415 -
- Water bombing -


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Where are the water scoops and the water bombing doors?...

Hydraulic water dropping doors Hydraulic water dropping doors
The CL-415 four hydraulic doors taht can open simultaneously or independently.

The doors are located on the fuselage bottom just in front of the main gear.

On these three pictures, the front of the the plane is on the left.

Hydraulic water dropping doors
The two retractables water inlets which scoop up the water are relatively small. But one can imagine the breaking effect they have on the plane when they are out.
The picture below (taken looking back at the plane's tail) show the two inlets openings. Thanks to the onboard personnel who let me crawl under the plane to take the exceptionnal shot...
Hydraulic water dropping doors and water inlets Water inlets
Water bombing - door 1
The water can be dropped in a single maneuver or, as shown here in this "colorful" demonstration at the Air Show, by independently opening the four doors.
Water bombing - door 2
Water bombing - door 3
Water bombing - door 4
To see other pictures of a CL-415 in flight.

Text : Jean-Pierre Bonin © 2001

Some pictures on this page are available in enlarged version (~ 250 Kb).
If your cursor transforms itself into a pointing hand while on a picture simply click on it

You remember a few characteristics of the plane but can't remember the name?
Try this visual guide. I hope it will help you.

Click on the drawings to go to the visual identification guide.

B 737

To more airplane watching pages

About the author

Web site conception and production , text, pictures and illustrations : Jean-Pierre Bonin     © 1999-2000-2001
Send suggestions and comments to :
Web site created on August 8th 1999
Page created July 4th 2001.

If you use my pictures or illustrations, please send me your web page address by e-mail.
If you use these images for a school research, then don't forget to mention the source of your document (and I wish you a good grade!)

 Autres sites du même auteur /
Other web sites created by the author

Pédagogie / Pedagogy [in French only]

Techniques d'électrophysiologie médicale /
Medical Electrophysiology Techniques
[in French only]
