Le Pelican de Luc Couillard et Christian Godin
Building a Pelican (July 31st 2000)

July 31st 2000

Week 5 of our follow-up of the building of a Pelican Sport from Ultravia Aero International Inc.

This week, work was concentrated in Luc's workshop (see below).
We also will take a flashback look in the photo album to see some work done in May and June on the main gear leg fairings (deep grey background zones).

ClecoMain gear leg fairing

One main gear leg fairing under assembly. Both composite halves are held together by Clecoes installed on the contour lips. Once the parts are glued together, the excedent lips are clipped off and the remaining interface is sanded and polished.

 ClecoesMain gear leg fairing


So this week it's painting and seeking a finishing touch.

Here the fuselage is layed on the side. A few coats of primer paint have already been applied.

Inside cockpit and tailInside (cockpit and) tail

The interior as photographed last week (left)

and a view of the tail's inside this week (right).


Detail of the unpainted floor (dust is due to putty sanding and polishing)

Floor & door detail

Detail of the floor and door contour this week.

Wing tips Parts with primer paint

A lot has been done from those original parts (left) to these with the primer applied (right).

 Inside with primer

 Door opening

Detail fuselage

Putting on the primer allows to see those small spots needing correction. Finishing putty (red) is applied in view of that finishing touch (until the next primer coat...).
Bottom motor casing

The bottom half of the engine casing with preliminary touch-ups.

Work goes along well. Maybe Luc received some help?
Here is, with his brother, perhaps the world's youngest aircraft builder!


The building of a Pelican Sport continues (click here for August 14th page)

Construction d'un Pélican (31 juillet 2000) (cliquer ici pour la version française)

À propos de l'auteur/ About the author

Web site conception and production , text, pictures and illustrations : Jean-Pierre Bonin     © 1999-2007
On this page, some pictures by Luc Couillard & Christian Godin     © 2000
This page is made possible with permission of Luc Couillard & Christian Godin     © 2000
Send suggestions and comments to : djipibi@hotmail.com
Web site created on August 8th 1999
Page created August 4th 2000

Last update January 1st 2007

If you use my pictures or illustrations, please send me your web page address by e-mail.
If you use these images for a school research, then don't forget to mention the source of your document (and I wish you a good grade!)

Other pictures from the author on the web
Aviation pics on www.jetphotos.net
Aviation pics on www.airliners.net
Aviation and miscellaneous pics on www.flickr.com

 Other web sites form the same author
(in French)
