Le Pelican de Luc Couillard et Christian Godin

Building a Pelican (October 21st 2000, part 1)

October 21st 2000

Week 16 of our follow-up of the building of a Pelican Sport from Ultravia Aero International Inc.

Do not look for weeks 12 to 15. One's got to face reality once in a while. The end of summer brought back long work hours and the building of the aircraft has slowed down accordingly (it is also true for the updating of this web site...)

The follow-up will be done regularly but not necessarely on a week to week basis in the next few months.

front wheel strutbungee
The front wheel strut is in place. The "bungee" is not yet under tension.
wheel direction partswheel direction parts
Direction parts fixed to the front wheel strut.
cockpit floorLuc
The slots in the cockpît floor where the pedal assembly will be inserted so to be attached with the parts illustrated above.
Luc looking for a part...
pedal assembly
Pedal assembly under way.
door latch (ext)door latch (int)
Door locks assemblies are almost finished.
tail skid
Tail skid.
Luc and Christian also purchased the model which will permit to go from a "trike" to a "tail dragger" thus allowing ski operation during winter.

The building of a Pelican Sport continues
(click here for another October 21st page)

Construction d'un Pélican (21 octobre 2000) (cliquer ici pour la version française)

À propos de l'auteur/ About the author

Web site conception and production , text, pictures and illustrations : Jean-Pierre Bonin     © 1999-2007
On this page, some pictures by Luc Couillard & Christian Godin     © 2000
This page is made possible with permission of Luc Couillard & Christian Godin     © 2000
Send suggestions and comments to : djipibi@hotmail.com
Web site created on August 8th 1999
Page created November 4th 2000.
Last modifed on December 31th 2000

Last update January 1st 2007

If you use my pictures or illustrations, please send me your web page address by e-mail.
If you use these images for a school research, then don't forget to mention the source of your document (and I wish you a good grade!)

Other pictures from the author on the web
Aviation pics on www.jetphotos.net
Aviation pics on www.airliners.net
Aviation and miscellaneous pics on www.flickr.com

 Other web sites form the same author
(in French)
